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Seolhee Lee

2023 ~ present: M.S.-Ph.D. program in IBS-UNIST Biomedical Engineering

2019 ~ 2023: B.S., Biology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon


SeolHee Lee is a combined Master and PhD combined student in Biomedical Engineering, who joined the BCI lab since September 2023 as an IBS-UNIST collaborative student. She received her bachelor's degree in in biology from Chungnam National University (2019-2023). She is particularly interested in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), ultrasound-induced brain entrainment, and the role of microglia in neural plasticity.
Her research focuses on how brain wave-patterned ultrasound stimulation influences microglial repopulation and reprogramming, ultimately shaping synaptic plasticity, including long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). She aims to analyze the mechanisms by which microglia contribute to synaptic modifications under ultrasound stimulation.
Additionally, she investigates the sensitivity of microglia to mechanical stimulation and their role in long-range propagation (LRP) of neural signals.
In her free time, she enjoys baking cookies, learning to dance and sing, playing the piano, and practicing calligraphy.

Created by Taeyang Yang @ BCI LAB

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